My Metabolism Boosting Smoothie Recipe

If you ever need a midday energy boost, this is my new favorite smoothie recipe to rev up the metabolism, satisfy my sweet tooth and keep me satiated! Trust me it’s EPIC!

If you don’t already know, I’m obsessed with my Sakara Metabolism Powder. I swear it helps with bloating and keeps me regular - if ya know what I mean. I don’t travel or go a day without it that’s how much I love it! If you want to give it a try - and you totally should - use my code SAKARAxLUCY for 20% off first-time customers!

Here’s the recipe I use. I also filmed a reel showing you girls exactly how I do it here!



+ 4 oz unsweetened vanilla cashew milk

+ 4-8 oz unsweetened vanilla cold brew

+ 1 serving Sakara Metabolism Powder

+ 1 scoop chocolate protein powder

+ Handful frozen cherries

+ 1 tbsp almond butter

+ Half frozen banana

+ Handful of ice


1. Add everything to a blender and blend until smooth.

2. Top with Zen Basil seeds and cocoa nibs for a crunch!

3. You can also add cinnamon for an extra kick